DGM HQ Nicky Bookkeeper is
Nicky Bookkeeper is in. We are looking at a royalty statement for an album I produced some years ago that now includes download income. The record company receives 67 US cents per track; I receive 2 cents per track as producer.
In the days of vinyl, the company used to receive c. 24% of the wholesale, and perhaps the artist received 40-50% of that 24% (this varied considerably & even where the rate seemed higher, such as 16-18%, the artist royalty was subject to all manner of deductions to lower it). So, the ratio of record company: artist earnings was nominally a proportion of perhaps 1:1 (ish),and post-deductions maybe 2:1. For downloads, the ratio is now 67:12; or around 5- or 6:1. This is the new model of digital music provision?
In DGM SoundWorld I…
… David & Robert continue with Orchestral Soundscapes…
12.56 Grief has arisen in respect of the US Crimson tour-accounting for our work last October.
We have received correspondence from the US accountant. This has now become complex and involves me in the loop. One radical solution to this not happening again is to abandon touring in the US. This is an effective solution to many of my unhappinesses regarding the professional life. The musical portion of the work is such a small percentage of the total effort involved that I have to ask: why am I doing this? The primary answer: because this is what I have always done. But, that is not a sufficient reason.
North American readers may not know that recent legislation & greater application of existing laws, in respect of policing monetary flows & foreign workers, have made tours by artists visiting the US increasingly complex. A growing response from touring artists is to avoid the US.
A street far from America I…
16.08 An afternoon of stuff; pressing, numbing, dispiriting stuff.
Back with David & Pie Jesu. Life begins again.
18.25 Pie Jesu mostly done. A coughing person has managed to bark at regular intervals throughout most of the (live) recording. David has heroically & painstakingly removed the worst of its effects.
Also, dealing with today’s portion of online piracy.
19.10 Last listening & shortly home via Wilton.
22.05 Bredonborough.
Mr. Romain welcomed me into Romain’s Emporium Of Wonder & Delight I…
… with, as is usually the case, a few additions to his stock of antiquities on display.
A short visit & arriving home recently, now a pitiful dribbling creature.
The night street I…